Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Pat, Candy, and Adi went for linch at the curve in the early afternoon, i was unable to join them cuz i was battling a hangover that could kill an elephant!

A few hours later, around 3pm, i was ready to rock! UrbanScape was the destination! An outdoor/ indoor local music event featuring Rock bands and killer Dj's. Our good friend megat, had a boutique stall there selling his garms to the malaysian masses, so we invaded and made it our HQ!

Within an hour i was the only relativley sober one there. I was driving so i just had a couple of cans, But the rest of them started and FINISHED a complete bottle of Jack Daniels!!! We danced around, partied, and after the chaos had ended at UrbanScape; we headed back into the City to Zouk, where khai was playing at the loft.

More drinking ensued and we drank 2 jugs of guiness mixed with white wine cooler (suprisingly tasty)! The night ended with a 10 minute wait in KFC for a 15pc family bucket of chicken. Out of the 15 pc's i inhaled 7!!! Urgh........never again!

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