Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A bloggers boredom!

My life may not be an action movie, but there's usually some type of drama or regular obligation going on it. Normally i'd be at college during the day, but i recently graduated so that really freed a lot of my time up. Which was just as well because i had my wifes UK settlement visa application to do. Which, by the way, has been the biggest and toughest challenge of my life!!!! However, we submitted that thing in 2 days ago, so what does that leave me with........Nothing except for my job!

HOOOLLLLLYYYYYY SSSSSHHHITTTT!!!!! The most exciting thing in my life right now is my fucking job! The thing that gives me the most drama day to day is the bloody place where i work! This is bad people, really bad!

So, this is the situation, its been like this for 2 days now, and to be really honest, i dont see it getting a whole lot better. It might not be so bad if i had my car, but my wife is using that to get to work currently.

God im bored.......think im gonna buy a PS3.......

My Music Recommendation for the day:

(lemon water, guttermouth)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Any one Fuh-Coffee???

Coffee, the next best alternative to Cocaine!

Alot of us drink coffee as a way to get our sleepy asses outta bed, in the shower, and into work; without it your day just hasn't started. If thats you, then congradulations, your an addict.

However, if your like me, Coffee is the DRINK OF THE DEVIL!!! Seriously, that black shit fucks me up BIG TIME! Imagine Popping a box of pro plus and then chasing it down with a 24 pack of Red Bull, whilst at the the same time a doctor is injecting your arm with 1000cc's of sugar syrup........Thats what feels like when i drink coffee. For Real! I cannot drink that stuff without going crazy.

Have you ever watched the cartoon popeye? Well me drinking coffee is like when that fella eats spinach.

Today, whilst at work, I had a coffee, a small capacino (i dont give a fuck if i spelt that wrong), nothing too strong, but within 3 minutes i was humming, tapping my fingers, and i couldn't stop talking. I was speaking faster than a scots man on speed. Then i came home on the LRT, i had my headphones on (listening to Death Magnet, Metallica) and coz of the stupid caffeine i just started busting out my best air guitar moves in front of everyone, I WAS SO HIGH I DIDNT GIVE A FUCK!!!! All i could think was "Yeah man, Im sooooooo fucking cool right now!"

I was possesed by the coffee, i had no control over my thoughts, actions, or breathing ( i was breathing like i just ran a marathon). Luckily the effects wore off just before i was about to call an old priest and a young priest.

This entire experience, which lasted about 2 hours, has been a powerful reminder of why i don't drink coffee; and i probably won't be making the same mistake again for a long time!

But the quesion your all wondering is "if you knew you can't take coffee, why did you drink it?"

Well the answer is very simple........."Im just sooooooo fucking cool"

My Music Recommendation for today:

Cyanide (Death Magnet, Metallica)