However, only recently i have found my artistic side. I don't know where it has come from or what summond it up, but i have been creating "art works" that are way beyond my actual capability; and so what started out as something to kill time at home has actually turned into quite the hobby.
I started experimenting with the windows paint application that come standard with every windows computer. Just making cartoon images of my friends and things, and then after a while i began experimenting with shapes. I have been trying to find diffrent mediums of creating art so i can find the one i prefer best.
Recently, i have been trying my hand at sketching myself in diffrent situations. I'm really proud of some of the stuff i churned out too. However, i have already learnt that i can't draw hands!!!
As well as sketching, i've also been practing using adobe photoshop. I attend a 2 hour class at college the other day (it was just a free intro to photoshop really) and i found that i really enjoyed playing with images as much as i did creating my own!
Now, i try to make as much time as possible to draw, paint, photoshop, write (writing counts as creativity right?!), or do whatever. As long as i'm being productive and trying something new, i will continue to grow as an individual.
I really encourage other people reading this to do the same. Just go and try something new, you never know....maybe you can draw hands!!! If you want to view my works, you can check them out on facebook. They are in the album, Artworks (formerly known as "what i can do with paint")
My music recommendation for today:
Fresh Mode ( Ugly Duckling, Fresh mode)